Today is Tuesday, and we leave for Molo, Kenya on Thursday morning. So from the last couple days until tomorrow night, everyone will be preparing for the trip. Here during Kenya’s winter, the sun does not come out very often, so it usually takes clothes a couple of days to dry (because they are not dried in a drier… we’re talking clothes lines). And they are not washed in a machine. So yesterday, I attempted my first load of laundry. I’m happy to say that I was successful (at least it appears that way… we’ll see once I wear them again). Most of them only took one day to dry.
We also had Bible study yesterday, and got off on a theological disagreement. The good thing is, we are all thinking and praying about it and plan on discussing it further. It was a good conversation, one that left us thankful and challenged by.
Today we went to a market to shop. We are so blessed, here in the US. To think that God has me where I am, out of all the places and situations in this world, is quite humbling. Here are some pictures of Joseph and his family, the Wanyama’s. The crazy thing is, as I speak of the immense blessings that God has lavished upon my family and I, I know that Joseph would say the same of his he and his family. He thanks God for EVERYTHING and gives Him all the glory.
I learned today that I will be recording the mission in Molo with a camcorder and a digital still camera. I am looking forward to this, along with writing summaries and reports on the mission and sending them along to Mission Africa leadership via email. We head up there on Thursday... I think we're staying in people's houses... not sure though.
I need constant humility here, when right and when wrong, in word and in deed. Please pray for that. May I learn lessons for both here and home, sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and ready to obey. And may I find strength in the full joy of God’s presence.